1. Echo – (Transthoracic) ultrasound examination of the heart.
Duration: 1 hour.
Preparation: Nil. Please bring any previous test results with you.
2. Stress Echo – Echo before and after treadmill exercise.
Duration: 1 – 1.5 hours including recovery time.
Preparation: Light meals only. No stimulants, no tea, coffee, or cigarettes for 2 hours prior. Wear comfortable walking clothes and shoes. Please bring medication list and previous test results.
3. ECG – Standard 12 lead electrocardiograph.
Duration: 13 minutes.
Preparation: Nil.
4. Stress Test – ECG with treadmill exercise.
Duration: 30 minutes.
Preparation: Light meals only. No stimulants, no tea, cofee or cigarettes for 2 hours prior. Wear comfortable walking clothes and shoes. Please bring medication list and previous test results.
5. Holter – 24 hour ambulatory ECG monitoring
Duration: 20 minutes to attach – 5 minutes to detach
Preparation: Shower before the test (as you will not be able to shower for at least 24 hours). You will be asked to return in 24 hours for monitor removal. Please bring medication list. Ladies may wish to wear 2 piece clothing.